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Geographic location (NUTS - 2013)Consumption of electricity (kWh) in conventional dwellings of usual residence by Geographic location (NUTS - 2013) and Type of utilization (electricity); Irregular (1)
Data reference period
Type of utilization (electricity)
T: Total1: House heating2: House cooling3: Water heating4: Kitchen5: Small domestic appliances, entertainment and computer related equipment6: Lighting
kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh
PT: Portugal14 363 827 554587 904 408317 788 911181 779 1206 125 860 3506 607 351 160533 227 348
1: Continente13 811 021 271584 214 437309 834 415168 357 2465 922 716 2916 310 718 645506 818 949
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores275 701 246(2) 2 749 643 §5 495 943(2) 3 010 267 §89 352 428157 894 70916 358 449
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira277 105 038(2) 940 329 §(2) 2 458 552 §10 411 607113 791 631138 737 80610 049 950
Consumption of electricity (kWh) in conventional dwellings of usual residence by Geographic location (NUTS - 2013) and Type of utilization (electricity); Irregular - Statistics Portugal, Survey on the energy consumption on households - 2020
(1) Definitive data.
(2) Coefficient of variation >= 20 % (or CV < 20% and sample size <= 40 dweelings).

This data last updated:november 02, 2021