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Data reference periodEconomic activity (Section - CAE Rev.3) (1) Proportion of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed that uses two or more social media network (%) by Economic activity (Section - CAE Rev.3); Annual (2)
Geographic localization (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
2023TOT: Total27,7
C: Manufacturing22,0
D-E: Electricity, gas and steam, water supply, sewerage and waste management21,8
F: Construction11,0
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles31,0
H: Transportation and storage15,0
I: Accommodation and food service activities40,7
J: Information and communication61,1
L: Real estate activities58,2
M0: Professional, scientific and technical activities37,3
N: Administrative and support activities33,6
S: Other service activities (group 95.1)34,6
2021TOT: Total25,3 *
C: Manufacturing20,2 *
D-E: Electricity, gas and steam, water supply, sewerage and waste management26,9 *
F: Construction10,2 *
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles29,4 *
H: Transportation and storage14,6 *
I: Accommodation and food service activities31,2 *
J: Information and communication67,8 *
L: Real estate activities47,6 *
M0: Professional, scientific and technical activities33,6 *
N: Administrative and support activities33,4 *
S: Other service activities (group 95.1)22,8 *
2019TOT: Total15,9
C: Manufacturing11,1
D-E: Electricity, gas and steam, water supply, sewerage and waste management14,3
F: Construction10,1
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles20,6
H: Transportation and storage8,4
I: Accommodation and food service activities15,9
J: Information and communication58,7
L: Real estate activities23,0
M0: Professional, scientific and technical activities18,9
N: Administrative and support activities19,7
S: Other service activities (group 95.1)14,3
2017TOT: Total16,3
C: Manufacturing13,4
D-E: Electricity, gas and steam, water supply, sewerage and waste management16,3
F: Construction9,4
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles16,4
H: Transportation and storage5,9
I: Accommodation and food service activities19,8
J: Information and communication56,5
L: Real estate activities36,8
M0: Professional, scientific and technical activities25,3
N: Administrative and support activities22,0
S: Other service activities (group 95.1)24,1
2016TOT: Total16,8
C: Manufacturing10,2
D-E: Electricity, gas and steam, water supply, sewerage and waste management11,6
F: Construction4,8
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles18,4
H: Transportation and storage15,7
I: Accommodation and food service activities21,1
J: Information and communication55,8
L: Real estate activities35,1
M0: Professional, scientific and technical activities35,0
N: Administrative and support activities34,6
S: Other service activities (group 95.1)10,7
Proportion of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed that uses two or more social media network (%) by Economic activity (Section - CAE Rev.3); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Survey on ICT usage in enterprises
(1) The category Consultancy, scientific and technical activities (M0) includes, since the ICT- Enterprises 2021 edition, the division 75 (Veterinary activities) of section M of CAE-Rev.3, not covered in previous editions of this survey (2014 to 2020).
(2) The question regarding this variable was changed in the 2023 edition, and one of the items was removed (the editions prior to 2023 also included Wiki based knowledge sharing tools as a social media, in addition to the social networks, enterprise's blog or microblog, and multimedia content sharing websites or apps).

This data last updated:november 21, 2023