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Geographic localization (Members States of the European Union)Utilised agricultural area (ha) by Geographic localization (Members States of the European Union) and Composition of utilised agricultural area; Irregular
Data reference period
Composition of utilised agricultural area
T: Total
UE28: European Union 28173 052 260
UE27: European Union 27156 658 470
AT: Austria2 669 750
BE: Belgium1 354 250
BG: Bulgaria4 491 850
CY: Cyprus111 940
CZ: Czechia3 455 410
DE: Germany16 715 320
DK: Denmark2 614 600
EE: Estonia995 100
ES: Spain23 229 740
FI: Finland2 194 200
FR: France27 814 150
GB: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)16 393 790
GR: Greece4 553 830
HR: Croatia1 562 980
HU: Hungary4 670 550
IE: Ireland4 883 650
IT: Italy12 598 160
LT: Lithuania2 924 600
LU: Luxembourg130 640
LV: Latvia1 930 870
MT: Malta11 170
NL: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)1 796 270
PL: Poland14 405 650
PT: Portugal3 641 690
RO: Romania12 502 530
SE: Sweden3 021 350
SI: Slovenia488 400
SK: Slovakia1 889 820
Utilised agricultural area (ha) by Geographic localization (Members States of the European Union) and Composition of utilised agricultural area; Irregular - Statistics Portugal, Base agricultural statistics

This data last updated:may 10, 2022