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Place of residence (NUTS - 2024)Net monthly mean wages (Series 2021 - €) of employees by Place of residence (NUTS - 2024) and Occupation (Major group - CPP); Quarterly (2)
Data reference period (1)
2nd Quarter 2024
Occupation (Major group - CPP)
T: Total0: Armed forces occupations1: Managers2: Professionals3: Technicians and associate professionals4: Clerical support workers5: Service and sales workers6: Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers7: Craft and related trades workers8: Plant and machine operators, and assemblers9: Elementary occupations
PT: Portugal1 1371 5161 8891 5661 216952861853943981689
1: Continente1 1421 5201 8881 5661 219951862861947982689
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores1 0621 1791 8041 6441 132974874816851933647
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira1 0171 4692 0071 5091 175955843689865910710
Net monthly mean wages (Series 2021 - €) of employees by Place of residence (NUTS - 2024) and Occupation (Major group - CPP); Quarterly - Statistics Portugal, Labour force survey (Series 2021)
(1) Values derived from calibration weights based on Monthly Resident Population Estimates, calculated specifically for the Labour Force Survey according to the 2021 Census final results.
(2) The estimates for the 2011 data series (in force from the 1st quarter of 2011 to the 4th quarter of 2020) are revised in the light of the reconciliation exercise with the 2021 data serie.

This data last updated:august 07, 2024