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Place of residence (NUTS - 2024)Social security pensions (€) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2024) and Type of pension; Annual (1)
Data reference period
Type of pension
T: Total1: Disability2: Old age3: Survivors
€ (thousands)€ (thousands)€ (thousands)€ (thousands)
PT: Portugal19 664 849982 73615 802 3782 879 735
1: Continente18 956 641898 68915 296 7292 761 223
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores309 56846 616209 08353 869
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira398 64137 431296 56764 643
Social security pensions (€) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2024) and Type of pension; Annual - Institute of Informatics
(1) Includes pensions processed to pensioners on December 31st and pensioners who were suspended during the year. The processed values include all pensions and supplements that the pensioner receives.

This data last updated:august 31, 2024