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Data reference periodAge groupProportion of persons aged 16 to 74 years old living in households with television by subscription at home (%) by Age group; Annual
Place of residence (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
2024T: Total91,7
1: 16 - 24 years97,5
2: 25 - 34 years93,2
3: 35 - 44 years92,2
4: 45 - 54 years93,6
5: 55 - 64 years90,2
6: 65 - 74 years84,5
2023T: Total91,4
1: 16 - 24 years96,0
2: 25 - 34 years94,9
3: 35 - 44 years92,9
4: 45 - 54 years93,1
5: 55 - 64 years88,9
6: 65 - 74 years84,5
Proportion of persons aged 16 to 74 years old living in households with television by subscription at home (%) by Age group; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Survey on ICT usage in private households

This data last updated:november 21, 2024