REFERENCE PERIOD: Period to which the information refers and which may be a specific day or a time interval (month, fiscal year, calendar year, among others).
-: Transformation of an idea into a saleable product (new or improved), an operational process (in industry or commerce) or a new social service method. It covers all measures of a scientific, technical, commercial, or financial nature necessary to ensure the successful development and commercialisation of new or improved manufactured products, or to enable the commercial use of new or improved processes and materials to introduce a new method of social service. This concept excludes innovation of an aesthetic nature, as well as simple imitation or improvements in detail.
ENTERPRISE: Legal entity (natural or legal person) that is an organisational unit producing goods or services, which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making, especially for the allocation of its current resources. An enterprise carries out one or more activities at one or more locations.
PERSONS EMPLOYED: Persons who during the reference period participated in the business of the enterprise/institution, regardless of the duration of this participation, under the following conditions: a) staff bound to the enterprise/institution by an employment contract, receiving remuneration in return; b) staff which has ties to the enterprise/institution, who, for not being bound by an employment contract, does not receive regular remuneration for the hours worked or the labour supplied (e.g. owner-managers, unpaid family workers, active members of cooperatives); c) staff with ties to other enterprises/institutions who worked at the enterprise/institution and receive remuneration directly from it; d) persons in the above situations, absent for a period of no more than one month due to holidays, labour dispute, vocational training, as well as disease and occupational accident. The following persons are not considered to be staff: i) those in the situations described in a), b), and c) above and who are absent for a period of over one month; ii) workers with ties to the enterprise/institution who moved to other enterprises/institutions, receiving remuneration directly from the latter; iii) workers in the enterprise/institution whose remuneration is borne by other enterprises/institutions (e.g. temporary workers); iv) self-employed workers (e.g. service providers, that use the so-called 'recibos verdes', which is the popular name of the receipt form).
TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCT INNOVATION: The term "product" is used to refer to goods and services. Technological product innovation can be of two types: technologically new products and technologically improved products: a) A technologically new product is a product whose technological characteristics or intended use differ significantly from those of previously produced products. These innovations may involve radically new technologies, be based on new combinations of existing technologies, or result from the application of new knowledge; b) A technologically improved product is an existing product whose performance has been significantly extended or developed. A simple product can be improved (in terms of better performance or lower cost) by using components or materials with more advanced technical characteristics. A complex product, made up of an integrated set of technical sub-systems, can be improved through partial changes to one of the sub-systems.