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 Retention and desistance rates in primary and lower secondary education (%)
Characteristic Description
Name Retention and desistance rates in primary and lower secondary education (%) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001); Annual
Regularity Irregular
Source Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics
First available period 1999 / 2000
Last available period 2013 / 2014
  • Data reference period
  • Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001)
  • REFERENCE PERIOD:  Period to which the information refers and which may be a specific day or a time interval (month, fiscal year, calendar year, among others).
  • PRIMARY EDUCATION:  This level consists of education provided for children, the customary age of entrance being six years, covering nine-years of full-time schooling. Its educational aim is to prepare all participants for further education, or to provide them with a labour-market relevant qualification. It is divided into three sequential cycles of education of four, two and three years respectively. This education level is universal, compulsory and free of charge.respectively. This education level is universal, compulsory and free of charge.
  • EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION:  Organizational unit that provides one or more education and training offers.

(Regular primary and regular lower secondary education pupils who remain, for reasons of failure or attempt in improving assessment voluntarily, in the same year level/ Pupils enrolled in the regular primary and regular lower secondary education, in that school year)*100

Measure unit (symbol) Percentage (%)
Power of 10  0
Last update date 17/03/2018

information presented in 29/12/2024