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 Marriages between persons of the same sex (Male - No.)
Characteristic Description
Name Marriages between persons of the same sex (Male - No.) by Place of registration (NUTS - 2002), Age group of spouse 1 and Age group of spouse 2; Annual
Regularity Annual
Source Statistics Portugal, Marriage statistics
First available period 2010
Last available period 2013
  • Data reference period
  • Place of registration (NUTS - 2002)
  • Age group of spouse 1
  • Age group of spouse 2
  • AGE GROUP:  The age interval in years to which a person belongs at the time of reference.
  • PLACE OF REGISTRATION:  The location of the registry office where a birth, marriage or death was recorded. In the case of a divorce, it is the registry office or court of law where it was decreed.
  • MARRIAGE:  Contract signed by two persons that intend to start a family in full partnership and cohabitation according to legislation.
  • REFERENCE PERIOD:  Period to which the information refers and which may be a specific day or a time interval (month, fiscal year, calendar year, among others).
Measure unit (symbol) Number (No.)
Power of 10  0
Last update date 28/04/2014

information presented in 28/9/2024