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 Average monthly earnings (€)
Characteristic Description
Name Average monthly earnings (€) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002), Sex and Urban areas typology; Annual
Regularity Annual
Source MTSSS/GEP, Personnel tables
First available period 2004
Last available period 2012
  • Data reference period
  • Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002)
  • Sex
  • Urban areas typology
  • PREDOMINANTLY URBAN AREA:  Parish that fulfills, at least, one of the following requirements: 1) the higher value of the average between the weight of the population in the parish¿s total population and the weight of the area in the parish¿s total area corresponds to urban space, provided that the weight of the area in predominantly rural space doesn¿t surpass 50% of the parish¿s total area; 2) the parish is the location of the municipal council and has a population of more than 5 000 inhabitants; 3) the parish includes, totally or partially, a locality with a population of 5 000 or more inhabitants, being the weight of the population in the parish¿s total population or in the locality¿s total population equal to or higher than 50%.
  • LOCAL UNIT:  An enterprise or part thereof (e.g. a workshop, factory, warehouse, office, mine or depot) situated in a geographically identified place. At or from this place economic activity is carried out for which ' save for certain exceptions ' one or more persons work (even if only part-time) for one and the same enterprise.
  • EARNING:  Regular net amount in cash or in kind paid to the worker over a given reference period, by virtue of time spent working or work supplied during normal and extra working hours. Includes payment of hours paid but not worked (holidays, bank holidays and other paid absences from work).
  • PREDOMINANTLY RURAL AREA:  Parish not classified either as APU or as AMU.
  • MEDIUM URBAN AREA:  Parish that fulfills, at least, one of the following requirements: 1) the higher value of the average between the weight of population in the parish's total population and of the weight of the area in the parish's total area corresponds to urban space, provided that the weight of the area in predominantly rural space surpasses 50% of the parish's total area; 2) the higher value of the average between the weight of population in the paris's total population and of the weight of the area in the paris's total area corresponds to urban space, provided that the weight of the area in predominantly rural space doesn't surpass 50% of the paris's total area; 3) the parish is the location of the municipal council and has a population equal to or below 5 000 inhabitants; 4) the parish includes, totally or partially, a locality with a population of 2 000 or more inhabitants and less than 5 000 inhabitants, being the weight of the population in the parishs total population or in the locality's total population equal to or higher than 50%.
  • REFERENCE PERIOD:  Period to which the information refers and which may be a specific day or a time interval (month, fiscal year, calendar year, among others).
Measure unit (symbol) Euro (€)
Power of 10  0
Last update date 31/07/2014

information presented in 27/9/2024