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 Reconstituted family nuclei (No.)
Characteristic Description
Name Reconstituted family nuclei (No.) by Place of residence (at the date of Census 2011), Type of family nucleus (Reconstituted - no-common children), Type of family nucleus (Reconstituted - common children) and Conjugal relationship; Decennial
Regularity Decennial
Source Statistics Portugal, Population and housing census - 2011
First available period 2011
Last available period 2011
  • Data reference period
  • Place of residence (at the date of Census 2011)
  • Type of family nucleus (Reconstituted - no-common children)
  • Type of family nucleus (Reconstituted - common children)
  • Conjugal relationship
  • RECONSTITUTED FAMILY NUCLEUS:  Family nucleus formed by a married couple or a consensual union couple with one or more natural or adopted children, being, at least one of them, the child of one of the members of the couple.
  • REFERENCE PERIOD:  Period to which the information refers and which may be a specific day or a time interval (month, fiscal year, calendar year, among others).
  • -:  Conjunto de duas ou mais pessoas pertencentes à mesma família clássica mantendo uma relação de cônjuges, parceiros numa união de facto ou progenitor e descendentes e que pode traduzir-se em casal sem filhos, casal com um ou mais filhos ou pai ou mãe com um ou mais filhos.
Measure unit (symbol) Number (No.)
Power of 10  0
Observations Contagem
Last update date 20/11/2012

information presented in 17/7/2024