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 Variation ratio of employed population (Series 2011 - %)
Characteristic Description
Name Variation ratio of employed population (Series 2011 - %) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2013), Sex and Compulsory education level; Annual
Regularity Annual
Source Statistics Portugal, Labour force survey
First available period 2012
Last available period 2020
  • Data reference period
  • Place of residence (NUTS - 2013)
  • Sex
  • Compulsory education level
  • EMPLOYED:  Person aged 15 years or over who during the reference period was in one of the following situations: 1) worked for at least one hour for a wage or salary, in cash or in kind; 2) had a formal attachment to his/her job, but was not at work, temporarily; 3) had an enterprise, but was not at work, temporarily, for any specific reason; 4) was in early retirement, but working in the reference period.
  • SEX:  Biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.
  • REFERENCE PERIOD:  Period to which the information refers and which may be a specific day or a time interval (month, fiscal year, calendar year, among others).
Measure unit (symbol) Percentage (%)
Power of 10  0
Last update date 24/11/2023

information presented in 27/12/2024