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 Council housing dwellings rented (No.)
Characteristic Description
Name Council housing dwellings rented (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Type of tenancy agreement; Annual
Regularity Annual
Source Statistics Portugal, Characterization of social housing survey
First available period 2012
Last available period 2012
  • Data reference period
  • Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002)
  • Type of tenancy agreement
  • COUNCIL HOUSING:  Cost-controlled housing for households in need, with a rent-supported contract or resolvable ownership.
  • REFERENCE PERIOD:  Period to which the information refers and which may be a specific day or a time interval (month, fiscal year, calendar year, among others).
  • INSTITUTIONAL UNIT:  The institutional unit is an elementary economic decision-making centre characterized by uniformity of behaviour and decision-making autonomy in the exercise of its principal function. A resident unit is regarded as constituting an institutional unit if it has decision-making autonomy in respect of its principal function and either keeps a complete set of accounts or it would be possible and meaningful, from both an economic and legal viewpoint, to compile a complete set of accounts if they were required.
  • -:  Parte ou totalidade de um edifício dotada de acesso independente e constituída por um ou mais compartimentos destinados à habitação e por espaços privativos complementares.
Measure unit (symbol) Number (No.)
Power of 10  0
Last update date 07/03/2014

information presented in 27/9/2024