REFERENCE PERIOD: Period to which the information refers and which may be a specific day or a time interval (month, fiscal year, calendar year, among others).
UNEMPLOYED POPULATION: Population formed by all unemployed persons
SEX: Biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.
LABOUR FORCE STATUS: The status of an individual with respect to his/her economic activity during the reference period, liable of being considered active or inactive.
UNEMPLOYED: Person aged between 15 and 74 years who during the reference period: 1) neither had a job nor were at work; 2) was available for paid employment or self-employment; 3) had actively sought work, i.e. had taken specific steps during the specified period (reference period or the three previous weeks) to seek paid employment or self-employment. The following are considered as specific steps: 1) having been in contact with a public employment office or with a private agency to find work; 2) applying to employers directly; 3) asking among friends, relatives, trade unions, etc., to find work; 4) placing, answering or studying job advertisements; 5) taking a recruitment test or examination or being interviewed; 6) looking for land, premises or equipment; 7) applying for permits, licences or financial resources. The job availability criteria are based on the following: 1) the willingness to work; 2) the desire to have paid employment or self-employment if the necessary resources can be obtained; 3) availability to start working in the reference period or at least within two weeks.