Portugal 2016

13 ENQUADRAMENTO POPULACIONAL POPULATION FRAMEWORK -4,5 -4,0 -3,5 -3,0 -2,5 -2,0 -1,5 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 0 - 4 anos 5 - 9 anos 10 - 14 anos 15 - 19 anos 20 - 24 anos 25 - 29 anos 30 - 34 anos 35 - 39 anos 40 - 44 anos 45 - 49 anos 50 - 54 anos 55 - 59 anos 60 - 64 anos 65 - 69 anos 70 - 74 anos 75 - 79 anos 80 - 84 anos 85 e mais anos The configurations of age pyramids reflect the above- mentioned developments. In 2000 the loss in the share of the youth population was noticeable, but in 2016 it was even more marked. However, the pyramids also illustrate the growing share of the female population as the age group increases. This increase also occurred in time, i.e. the relative importance of the female population rose between 2000 and 2016 (nevertheless also affected by the relative decline in the youth population In fact, when considering cumulative frequencies for each age group by gender in 2000, the female population was the majority only in the 55-59 group. However, in 2016 the predominance of women started in the 40-44 age group. These observations are consistent with the different degrees of life expectancy at birth between men and women. While in the former case it increased from 73.1 to 77.6 years between 2000 and 2016, in the latter it went up from 79.8 to 83.4 years. Population pyramids at the EU27 scale have some similar features. The bottom, composed of the youngest, also declined in terms of relative importance, and the female population was the majority both in 2000 and 2016, although keeping the same share. In turn, the cumulative predominance of the female population started in 2000 in an older age group than in Portugal (70-74 in the EU and 55-59 in Portugal) and remained in the same group in 2016, while moving to a younger group in Portugal (70-74 in the EU27 and 40-44 in Portugal). Homens Mulheres Men Women 2000 2016 Gráfico/ Chart 5 Pirâmide etária, UE27 ( % população)/ EU27: Demographic Pyramid ( % total) Fonte: INE, I.P., Estatísticas Demográficas, Estimativas Definitivas da População Residente 1991-2010 e Estimativas Provisórias da População Residente 2011-2015. Source: Statistics Portugal, Demographic Statistics, Final Resident Population Estimates 1991-2010 and Provisional Estimates of Resident Population 2011-2015. -4,5 -4,0 -3,5 -3,0 -2,5 -2,0 -1,5 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 0 - 4 anos 5 - 9 anos 10 - 14 anos 15 - 19 anos 20 - 24 anos 25 - 29 anos 30 - 34 anos 35 - 39 anos 40 - 44 anos 45 - 49 anos 50 - 54 anos 55 - 59 anos 60 - 64 anos 65 - 69 anos 70 - 74 anos 75 - 79 anos 80 - 84 anos 85 e mais anos