Portugal 2016

ENQUADRAMENTO SOCIOECONÓMICO POPULAÇÃO ATIVA, EMPREGO E DESEMPREGO SOCIO-ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK LABOUR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT 25 In 2016 the activity rate decreased marginally, to stand at 50.2%, thus extending the slight downward trend started in 2008. The peak (52.2%) was reached in 2007. When excluding the population aged less than 15, the activity rate obtained is higher, but the evolution trend is similar. In 2016 this share was 58.6%, compared to the 62.2% peak reached in 2007. From then onwards the downward path has been ongoing. Also taking into account the population aged 15 and over, an analysis of the labour force participation rate by gender shows that the differential between male and female participation tended to decrease. This differential, which was 10.0 p.p. in 1998, declined continuously, to reach 2.3 p.p. in 2015. However, in 2016 it increased somewhat, to stand at 2.4 p.p.