Portugal 2016

ENQUADRAMENTO SOCIOECONÓMICO POPULAÇÃO ATIVA, EMPREGO E DESEMPREGO SOCIO-ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK LABOUR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT 27 In 2016 the percentage of the labour force aged 45 and over vis-à-vis the total labour force (excluding those aged less than 15) increased by 0.7 p.p., i.e. similarly to the previous year, reaching 45.0%. Its upward trend has been recorded since 1998, when the new Labour Force Survey series started. In this period of time there was a 9.2 p.p. increase in the weight of this age group, in contrast to declines in the 15-24 and 25-34 groups, by around 7.2 p.p. and -5.3 p.p. respectively. The 35-45 group also played a more important role, i.e. around 3.5 p.p., stabilising at approximately 27.7% on average between 2014 and 2016. In terms of total employment, the share of the 45 and over age group not only had a similar profile, but also always recorded higher values than those of the labour force ratio. In the most recent period, after three years of stabilisation at around 45.2%, this share increased further in 2016, to around 46.0% of total employment.