Portugal 2016

ENQUADRAMENTO SOCIOECONÓMICO POPULAÇÃO ATIVA, EMPREGO E DESEMPREGO SOCIO-ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK LABOUR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT 33 Paid employment saw the main fluctuations. In fact, around 60.3% of the decline in employment between 2011 and 2013 occurred in this form of employment, and therein, around 66.0% in permanent contracts. Accumulated figures for the five years showed a decline of approximately 414 thousand persons employed in this form of employment (274 thousand in the case of permanent contracts). The remaining forms, which include self-employment, with and without persons employed, and unpaid family workers, contributed the remaining 39.7% to the fall in employment in these two years. In the subsequent period the main increase was recorded in paid employment, which in 2016 stood at 2.2% of the peak reached in 2008. This increase caused the structure of paid employment (fixed-term and permanent contracts) in 2016 to be quite similar to that in 2008. Conversely, throughout this employment growth period declines were observed in the other forms of employment (self-employment, with and without persons employed, and unpaid family workers), at a rate of -51 thousand jobs a year. As a result, paid employment gained further importance in the employment structure, increasing by around 6.6 p.p. and accounting for 82.2% of total employment. By educational attainment level, losses over the course of the downturn were more than offset at the following stage in upper secondary, post-secondary and tertiary education. Conversely, in the educational levels up to lower secondary education (third cycle) not only was there a strong decline at the first stage, but it was also maintained in the three most recent years. The rebound in employment between 2014 and 2016 was concentrated in the 35-44 age groups and more so in the 45 and over age group (which accounted for 38.6% and 59.9% of the total change). The 15-24 group also recorded an increase, albeit less intense (accounting for approximately 12.0% of the total change) and insufficient to keep the weight achieved in 2008 (from 8.0% to 5.7% of total employment). By contrast, the 25-34 group declined further, intensifying the fall recorded between 2008 and 2013.