Portugal 2016

ENQUADRAMENTO SOCIOECONÓMICO RENDIMENTO E CONDIÇÕES DE VIDA DAS FAMÍLIAS SOCIO-ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK INCOME AND LIVING CONDITIONS OF HOUSEHOLDS 45 In 2016 the material deprivation rate (the percentage of people who, in the period under review, lived in households facing an enforced lack of at least three out of nine material deprivation items) was 19.5%, which accounted for a 2.1 p.p. improvement, following that observed in 2014 (the latter was stronger, i.e. around 4.1 p.p.). However, this indicator has not shown an evident trend, standing at approximately 22.3%, on average. Considering a breakdown by age group, only the 65 and over group declined noticeably (31.1% in 2004 and 18.9% in 2016). In 2016 the dissemination of ICT among households continued, judging from the set of indicators available, which increased further from the previous years, following clear growth trends. 74.2% of households had Internet access (53.7% in 2010; 15.1% in 2002), and 73.0% had broadband Internet access (50.3% in 2010; 7.9% in 2003). In 2015, 71.1% of households had computer access, compared to 59.5% and 26.9% in 2010 and 2002 respectively.