Portugal 2016

ENQUADRAMENTO SOCIOECONÓMICO EDUCAÇÃO SOCIO-ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK EDUCATION 53 School population enrolled in youth-oriented secondary professional education increased by approximately 112.4 thousand in 2015/16, although the peak occurred in 2013/14 (117.7 thousand students enrolled). The value recorded in 2015/16 corresponded to the multiplication of the 1990/91 value by a factor of around 17.5 and the multiplication of the 2000/01 value by a factor of 3.7. Professional education encompassed 31.5% of young people in upper secondary education in 2015/16, compared to 2.2% and 9.0% in 1990/91 and 2000/01 respectively. The school attendance rate in tertiary education remained on an upward trend, although at different lengths: from 2003/04 to 2006/07 this ratio stabilised at around 27.7%; from 2009/10 to 2014/15 it rose to 31.4%. In 2015/16 it rose by 2.7 p.p. to 33.1%. The number of graduates increased by 22.8% in the past 17 years (73.1 thousand in 2016/17, against 59.5 thousand in 2000/01), and their performance improved, as assessed by the ratio of the number of graduates to the number of students enrolled, which in the 17-year period increased from 21.8% to 24.2%.