Portugal 2016

ACTIVIDADE ECONÓMICA EMPRESAS ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ENTERPRISES 67 Services as a whole played a predominant role in the business structure (non-financial enterprises), although their share depends on the variable observed. In 2016 services accounted for 73.0% of the number of enterprises, around 65.0% of the number of employees, 60.0% of turnover, and 59.0% of GVA. In terms of the number of enterprises, and excluding other services, trade was predominant, followed by agriculture, construction, hotels and restaurants, and industry and energy. This predominance extended to the number of persons employed, although not to the same extent (the main differences were in the higher relative weight of the number of persons in industry and energy and the lower weight of this variable in agriculture and fishing). These differences became stronger when considering turnover and GVA, increasing and diminishing even further in industry and energy and in agriculture and fishing, respectively. As expected, trade had quite a high share in turnover (almost 38.0%). Construction had a relatively uniform importance across the variables under analysis, with some predominance in the number of enterprises and persons employed.