Portugal 2016

ACTIVIDADE ECONÓMICA EMPRESAS ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ENTERPRISES 69 also saw a broadly based decline in weight (with the exception of the number of persons employed in other services). There were increases in the agriculture and fishing sector (by 6.8 p.p. and 2.6 p.p. in the number of enterprises and persons respectively, corresponding to increases of between 0.5 and 0.6 p.p. in turnover and GVA), industry and energy (the number of enterprises and persons declined by less than 1.0 p.p., but turnover and GVA increased by 3.4 p.p. and 4.0 p.p.), and hotels and restaurants (all variables increased between 0.5 p.p. and 0.9 p.p.). A comparison of data from the Integrated Business Accounts System (IBAS) for 2016 and 2008 shows that the relative importance of services declined in most variables considered. Losses amounted to 5.5 p.p. in the number of enterprises, 0.7 p.p. in turnover, and 0.9 p.p. in GVA. Only the number of persons employed recorded a gain, i.e. around 1.7 p.p. In sectoral terms, the strongest losses occurred in construction (-0.5 p.p. in the number of enterprises, but between -3.2 p.p. and -3.6 p.p. in the other variables more directly related to the pace of economic activity). The trade and other services sectors