Portugal 2016

ACTIVIDADE ECONÓMICA EMPRESAS ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ENTERPRISES 73 As a whole, SMEs (up to 249 persons employed) accounted for 99.9% of the number of enterprises, and around 80.0% and 67.0% of persons employed and compensations respectively in 2015. The weights of the other variables were closer to 60.0% of the total. Another comparison with the 2008 structure showed a broadly based decline in the relative importance of SMEs (only the number of enterprises maintained its relative weight). The relative importance of large enterprises increased, especially in GVA and turnover, but also in the number of persons and compensations (slightly less than in the first two variables). The information available for 2016 on SMEs and large enterprises points to an increase in the relative importance of SMEs. In fact, in comparison with 2015 there were increases in SMEs at the level of compensations, turnover and GVA, and particularly GFCF (2.2 p.p. more). The weight of the number of enterprises was maintained, declining by 0.2 p.p. as regards the number of persons employed. The use of ICT continued to be broadly disseminated. According to the Survey on ICT usage in enterprises, in 2016, 99.0% of enterprises had computers, i.e. slightly more than in the previous year and 7.4 p.p. more than ten years ago. In turn, 98.1% of enterprises had Internet access (as in the previous year, and 5.0 p.p. more than in 2006), and 96.3% of the total had broadband Internet access (30.1 p.p. more than in 2006). 64.2% of enterprises had a website, accounting for increases of 2.7 p.p. from the previous year and 28.7 p.p. from 2006.