Portugal 2016

9 ENQUADRAMENTO POPULACIONAL POPULATION FRAMEWORK In 2016 the major negative trends of population recorded since the start of the 2010s were maintained. The resident population continued to decline at a similar pace than in the previous year (-0.32% and -0.31% for 2015 and 2016 respectively). The most negative contribution to this evolution was made by the natural balance (the difference between the birth rate and the death rate), accounting for around 74.0% of the decline. The population was estimated at 10,309,573 persons, i.e. 31,757 fewer than in 2015, and 263,906 fewer than in 2009, when it reached a peak. Negative developments in the current decade occurred in the wake of the slowdown recorded in the previous decade. The rate of natural increase recorded a peak in 2000, subsequently slowing down and starting an increasingly more negative trend between 2007 and 2013; from then onwards this rate has ranged at around 0.22%. The migration rate moved in line with natural developments, generally with some delay, but more strongly. Hence, apart from one year, it made the greatest contributions up to 2014: it compounded the increases, notably contributing over 80.0% to the 2000 peak, slowing down since then, following a negative trend from 2011 onwards and only ceasing to make the most negative contributions in the two most recent years (when the natural rate stabilised at its most negative level). Gráfico/ Chart 2 Efeitos na estrutura etária ( % )/ Outcome of population ageing ( % ) 20,0 25,0 30,0 35,0 40,0 45,0 50,0 65,0 75,0 85,0 95,0 105,0 115,0 125,0 135,0 145,0 155,0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Índice de envelhecimento (escala da esquerda) Índice de dependência de idosos (escala da direita) Índice de longevidade (escala da direita) Ageing ratio (left scale) Oldest-age ratio (right scale) Oldest-age ratio (right scale) Fonte: INE, I.P., Estatísticas Demográficas, Estimativas Definitivas da População Residente 1991-2010 e Estimativas Provisórias da População Residente 2011-2015. Source: Statistics Portugal, Demographic Statistics, Final Resident Population Estimates 1991-2010 and Provisional Estimates of Resident Population 2011-2015.