Portugal 2016

ACTIVIDADE ECONÓMICA PREÇOS ECONOMIC ACTIVITY PRICES 99 Conversely, alcoholic beverages and tobacco, health, and communications showed negative differentials, of around -1.5 p.p. and -1.0 p.p. respectively for the first class and the second and third classes. Food and non- alcoholic beverages evolved at a slower pace, showing a differencial of -0,5 p.p.. Also, the clothing and footwear class has been showing negative annual changes since 2009, similarly to the transport class, which has experienced an ongoing negative evolution since 2013. In the former the cumulative change was approximately -20.0%, while in the latter it was around 5.0%. In addition, the evolution of energy has also been negative since 2013, with a cumulative change of around -7.5%. The growth differential between the services index and the goods index widened further, given the annual average change in services of around 1.5% and the change of approximately zero in goods. In 2016 this differential was around 1.6 p.p., which reflected a 0.2 p.p. increase from 2015.