Economic Activity 2016

INDUSTRY AND ENERGY Statistics Portugal, Annual Survey on Industrial Production (Prodcom Survey) Main sales of industrial products (Divisions CAE Rev.3), 2016 74 719 Millions € Breakdown of sales Breakdown of sales 10 - Manufacture of food products 19 - Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 29 - Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 25 - Metal products 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; Other divisions 10 6 € 0 4 000 8 000 12 000 10 19 29 25 35 2,2%* -11,8%* 10 470 6 560 6 433 4 696 3 999 -1,8%* 0,5%* 0,4%* *than in 2015 14,0% 8,8% 8,6% 6,3% 5,4% 57,0% OFFICIAL STATISTICS ARE A PUBLIC ASSET