Economic Activity 2016

46,4% 59,4 Millions The net bed occupancy rate was The total of the overnights stays in tourism accommodation was +2,7 p.p. than in 2015 11,6% than in 2015 Statistics Portugal, Guests stays and other data on hotel activity survey Revenue per available room (Rev Par) and overnight stays in tourism accommodation, 2016 TOURISM than in 2015 than in 2015 4,3 Millions SPAIN UNITED KINGDOM 9,6 Millions than in 2015 40,2€ 14,9% Revenue per available room (Rev Par) Tourism accommodation Overnight stays of: Residents Non-residents 7,8% ( 11,3%) ( 9,9%) 13,3% 17,5 Millions 41,9 Millions THE NETHERLANDS ( 15,9%) 2,7 Millions FRANCE ( 20,0%) 4,4 Millions 5,8 Millions GERMANY ( 11,6%)