Economic Activity 2016

INTERNATIONAL TRADE Exports and imports of goods by the main countries of destination/origin, 2016 Statistics Portugal, Statistics on external trade of goods Millions € Millions € The Netherlands United Kingdom USA Spain Spain Germany Germany France France Italy Exports Imports 20 176 8 224 4 730 3 358 3 122 12 938 6 318 5 836 3 531 2 465 5,1% 4,8% 0,8% 5,2% 4,0% 1,2% 6,7% 5,9% 2,9% 1,3% 0,8% than in 2015 1,5% than in 2015 The exports of goods amounted 50 022 millions € The imports stood at 61 243 millions € OFFICIAL STATISTICS ARE A PUBLIC ASSET Annual growth rate Annual growth rate