Monthly Statistical Bulletin, April 2022

APRIL 2022 23 Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (year-on-year rate of change in the Eurozone Countries, March 2022) As regards the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), the following rates of change were registered in March 2022: • Year-on-year: 5.5% (+1.1 p.p. than in the previous month and -2.0 p.p. than the value estimated by Eurostat for the Euro Area); • Month-on-month: 2.6% (0.5% in the previous month and 1.5% in March 2021); • Average of the last 12 months: 2.0% (1.5% in the previous month). More information is available at: Consumer price index – March 2022 12 April 2022 Malta France Portugal Finland Slovenia Cyprus Austria Ireland Italy Euro Area Germany Luxembourg Greece Belgium Slovakia Spain latvia Netherlands Estonia Lithuania 4.6% 5.1% 5.5% 5.6% 6.0% 6.2% 6.7% 6.9% 7.0% 7.5% 7.6% 7.9% 8.0% 9.3% 9.5% 9.8% 11.2% 11.9% 14.8% 15.6% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% 16.0% 18.0%