AUGUST 2022 19 More information is available at: Income and living conditions – 2021 - Housing deprivation 2 August 2022 Overcrowding rate by poverty status, age group, and degree of urbanisation, Portugal, 2021 • Expenditure on housing consumed around one-tenth (10.5%) of households' disposable income2. This is slightly more than in 2020 (10.4%) but less than in 2018 (11.7%), and 2019 (11.0%); • Around one in seventeen people (5.9%) live in households burdened with housing expenses – that is, households for which these expenses represented 40% or more of their disposable income –, 1.8 p.p. more than in the previous year (4.1%). 2 The calculation of the median housing cost burden includes rents, interest, water, electricity, gas or other fuels, condominium, insurance, sanitation, and small repairs, and excludes social transfers related to housing in both numerator and denominator. 18.8 8.7 17.5 10.9 4.4 13.2 8.9 7.4 At-risk-of-poverty Not at-risk-of-poverty 0-17 years 18-64 years 65+ years Densely populated areas Intermediate areas Thinly populated areas (%) Total: 10.6%