Monthly Statistical Bulletin, May 2022

2022 Edition 22 MONTHLY STATISTICAL BULLETIN Bank appraisals increased to €1,356 per square metre In April, the median bank appraisal value on housing was €1,356 per square metre, up €25 (1.9%) compared to March. The largest increase, when compared to the previous month, was recorded in Centro (1.7%), and only Região Autónoma dos Açores and Região Autónoma da Madeira registered a declining month-on-month rate of change (-0.5% and -0.3%, respectively). When compared with the same period of the previous year, the median value of bank appraisals increased by 13.0% (12.1% in March). The largest rate of change was registered in Algarve (16.2%) and the lowest occurred in Região Autónoma dos Açores (6.7%). Median value of bank appraisals – April 2022 Apartments and houses In April, the number of bank appraisals reported, supporting the results presented, was around 32.3 thousand, up 15.0% over the same month of the preceding year. It should be considered that this evolution is likely to be influenced by a base effect deriving from the worsening, in the first months of 2021, of the containment measures associated with the pandemic situation. From the reported appraisals: • 20,700 were appraisals on apartments; • About 11,600 concerned houses. When compared with the previous month, there were 300 more bank appraisals (+0.9%). The analysis by type of dwelling shows that, in April 2022, year-on-year, the median bank appraisal value: • In apartments, it increased by 14.7%, to €1,507/m2; • In houses, it increased by 8.3%, to €1,083/m2. In April 2022, compared to the previous month, the median bank appraisal: • Concerning apartments: » In two-bedroom apartments (T2), it increased by €24, to €1,529/m2; » In T3 type apartments, it increased by €29, to €1,345/m2; These two typologies combined represented 80.0% of the apartment appraisals carried out; • Regarding houses: » T2: it increased by €8, to €1,055/m2; » T3: it increased by €22, to €1,067/m2; » T4: it grew by €13, to €1,117/m2; These three types of housing combined accounted for 88.9% of house appraisals. More information is available at: Survey on bank evaluation on housing – April 2022 27 May 2022 €1,507 €1,083 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Alentejo Centro Norte RAAçores RAMadeira Algarve AM Lisboa Portugal Houses Apartments euros/m2