Monthly Statistical Bulletin, May 2022

MAY 2022 36 Overnight stays in tourist accommodation establishments, by NUTS II region – March 2022 • All NUTS II regions recorded significant year- -on-year increases in the number of overnight stays. Área Metropolitana de Lisboa accounted for 30.1% of the total, followed by Algarve (21.8%), Norte (16.7%), and RA Madeira (14.2%); • Compared to March 2019, all regions accounted for a decrease in the number of overnight stays, more so Algarve (-18.8%) and Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (-16.2%). In the 1st quarter of 2022: • Overnight stays increased by 398.5% year-on-year (+176.2% for residents and +845.6% for non-residents); • Compared to the same period of 2019, overnight stays decreased by 18.8%, mainly as a consequence of the decrease in non-residents (-26.4%), as residents recorded a much lower decrease (-1.6%); • Considering all means of accommodation (i.e. adding camping sites, holiday camps, and youth hostels to tourist accommodation establishments), there were: » 3.9 million guests (an increase of 356.6% in year-on-year terms); » 9.7 million overnight stays (an increase of 346.8% also compared to the first quarter of 2021). Revenue In March 2022, in tourist accommodation establishments: • The total revenue registered in the tourist accommodation establishments amounted to €233.9 million (+768.5% year-on- -year), of which €168.8 million referred to revenue of accommodation (+725.0%); • Compared toMarch2019, reductionsof the samemagnitudewere recorded in total revenueand revenueof accommodation: 5.8%; • Área Metropolitana de Lisboa concentrated 35.2% of the total revenue and 37.3% of the revenue of accommodation, followed by Algarve (18.8% and 17.4%, respectively), and Norte (16.2% and 16.8%, in the same order); • The average revenue per available room stood at €31.3 (€24.3 in February), down 7.4% compared to March 2019; • The average daily rate amounted to €74.3 (€68.0 in February), which corresponds to an increase of 4.4% compared to March 2019. 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 RA Açores Alentejo Centro RA Madeira Norte Algarve AM Lisboa Non-residents Residents No.