Economic Activity 2018

Global results for the tourism accommodation sector Overnight stays by main inbound markets, 2018 Statistics Portugal, Guest Stays and other Data on Hotel Activity Survey Statistics Portugal, Guest Stays and other Data on Hotel Activity Survey Tourism 20 Establishments (No.) 5 840 6 868 14.8% Accommodation capacity ( )No. 402 832 423 152 4.3% Guests (10 3 ) 23 953.8 25 249.9 5.1% Overnight stays (10 3 ) 65 385.2 67 662.1 3.1% Average stay ( of nights) No. 2.72 2.67 -2.0% Net bed occupancy rate (%) 48.9 47.8 -0.9 p.p. Total revenue 3 681.2 3 986.6 8.1% Revenue from accommodation (€10 6 ) (€10 6 ) 2 738.0 2 993.2 9.1% RevPAR (Average revenue per available room) (€) 46.2 47.8 3.8% 1 Data for 2017 do not included R. A. Açores Local accommodation Indicators Tvh 1 2017 2018 Residents Non-residents 19 890 47 772 +6.5% +1.8% #1 United Kingdom #2 Germany #3 Spain #4 France #5 Brazil #6 The Netherlands #7 USA #8 Ireland #9 Italy 6 450 4 702 2 587 2 551 2 245 1 637 9 330 4 882 1 601 Others 11 788 Thousand Thousand Hotel activity concentrated 83.6% of overnight stays, followed by Local accommodation corresponding to 13.8%