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The volumes of wastewater drained by the public sewerage systems raised up to 475 millions cubic meters in 2009, which corresponds to 82% of the 577 millions cubic meters of wastewater disposed to the environment.

In the majority of the municipalities, the daily wastewater generated per capita is situated within the interval of 100 to 200 liters, where the overall average among the 234 municipalities (146 liters per day / inhabitant) in the mainland is also placed.

The Public Administration expenditure in wastewater management registered almost EUR 386 millions in 2009, which corresponds to 16% more than in 2008. S OILS , SURFACE AND GROUNDWATER BODIES

From 2007 to 2009 the volumes of water treated by the public systems for supply of households and economic activities, showed a declining rate of 4% a year.

In the overall sector the service providers reached a high rate of compliance with regulatory analysis of water supplied, performing 99% in the mandatory analysis.

In 2010 the Public Administration expenditure with the protection of soils, surface and groundwater bodies raised up to EUR 141 million an amount that surpassed the total amount expended in the previous 4 years, around 14 millions each in 2006 and 2007, 32 and 42 millions in 2008 and 2009, respectively. B IODIVERSITY AND LANDSCAPE

According to the Bird land Index, from 2004 to 2009 the population of most of the birds presented a smooth trend of a sustainable growth and reached in 2009 more 9.7% of birds than in 2004.

The freshwater and migratory fish are the taxonomic group with the highest number of threatened species (63%), followed by birds (31%), reptiles (31%), mammals (29%) and amphibians (13%).

The total area of forests wiped out by fires showed strong variations over the last five years. Between 2006 and 2008 was observed a slight downward trend which started to reverse in the latter year.

In 2010 the forest fires covered an area of 133 thousand acres from which 18 thousand acres were protected areas and nature parks.

The national parks with larger proportions of land affected by fires were the Parque Natural do Alvão (23%), followed by Parque Nacional da Peneda Gerês (13%) and Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela (6%).

Over the last 3 years the expenditure by PublicAdministrations on landscape and biodiversity protection surpassed the average amount for the last five years (2006-2010), reaching EUR 293 million in 2010. W ASTE MANAGEMENT

Over the last five years, the municipal waste generation per inhabitant has been raising up, amounting to 511 kg per inhabitant in 2008, very closely to the EU27 average (2009 figures).

In 2010, the municipal waste selectively collected, summed up 813 thousand tonnes (excluding Autonomous Region of Azores – data not available), corresponding to 61 kg of recovered waste per inhabitant.

Between 2008 and 2010, around 84 million tonnes of waste have been generated by the overall economy.

Over the period 2006-2010, the total amount of waste recovered under the liabilities of the producer of some specific products and packaging (waste streams like packaging, used oils, end of life vehicles, etc.), recorded a growth rate of 7% per year, reaching in 2010 around 1.5 million tonnes of waste.

In 2010 the total exported waste destined for disposal and recovery operations summed up 56 109 tonnes, which corresponds to a decline of 12% comparing to the previous year.

Since 2007 the Public Administration spent each year more than EUR 500 millions on activities related to this environmental domain, of waste management.

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