8 Source: Statistics Portugal (SDG 8.1.1, SDG 8.5.1, SDG 8.5.2, SDG 8.6.1, SDG 8.9.1); Eurostat (sdg_08_10, earn_ses_hourly, une_rt_a, lfsi_neet_a). Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita 2021 Pe 5.4% +11.4 pp than in 2020 4.9% +13.4 pp than in 2020 Average hourly earnings 2018 Unemployment rate (15 to 74 years) 2021 7.0% 6.6% 6.3% 6.9% 23.4% 15-24 years GVA generated by tourism as a proportion of total GVA Rate of young people aged between 15 and 24 years old neither in employment nor in education and training 2021 10.8% -0.8 pp than in 2020 7.6% -1.5 pp than in 2020 15.4 € 7.7 € 8.1 € 7.4 € 5.8% 2021 Pe 4.8% 2020 Po 8.1% 2019