4 Source: Statistics Portugal (SDG 4.1.2, SDG 4.2.2, SDG 4.4.1); Eurostat (isoc_sk_cskl_i). Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 99.2% 2020/2021 Enrolment rate at the age of 5 +2.2 pp than in 2019/2020 Proportion of persons aged between 16 and 74 years old with digital skills at basic or above basic level Primary education Technological/ Vocacional (professional) courses General courses/ scientific-humanistic courses Transition/ completion rate in upper secondary education 2020 Transition/ completion rate in primary education 2020 1st cycle 3rd cycle 2nd cycle Total 91.5 % 91.9 % 90.8 % 97.8 % 98.6% 97.6% 97.0% 71% 86% 16-24 years 54% 55% 16-74 years 2021