Portugal em Números 2017 / Portugal in Figures 2017

28 / PORTUGAL IN FIGURES Peso dos gastos com o pessoal no VAB Weight of personnel expenses in GVA Fonte/ Source INE, I.P., Sistema de Contas Integradas das Empresas Statistics Portugal, Integrated Business Accounts System Densidade de Empresas Density of enterprises Fonte/ Source INE, I.P., Sistema de Contas Integradas das Empresas Statistics Portugal, Integrated Business Accounts System Em 2016, o setor do Alojamento e restauração registou os maiores acréscimos no VVN, VAB e EBE, com taxas de crescimento de 14,8%, 21,4% e 41,5%, respetivamente. In 2016, the main economic indicators for the accommodation and food service activities sector grew the most with turnover, GVA and GOS recording growth rates of 14.8%, 21.4% and 41.5% respectively. 2016 2016