SDG Indicators for Portugal

3 7.5‰ 2018 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Incidence rate of tuberculosis per 100 000 inhabitants 2018 Mortality rate (30 to 70 years) due to diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms, diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory diseases per 100 000 inhabitants Source: Statistics Portugal (SDG 3.3.2, SDG 3.4.1, SDG 3.6.1, SDG 3.7.2, SDG 3.c.1) . 29.1 13.3 405.0 182.4 2018 Mortality rate due to road accidents per 100 000 inhabitants 2018 11.6 2.9 15.9 ≥ 75 years 7.7‰ 2019 Adolescent fertility rate Medical doctors per 1000 inhabitants 20.8 Total 17.1 in 2017 Total 287.7 288.2 in 2017 Nurses per 1000 inhabitants 2018 5.2 7.2 Total 7.0 7.1 in 2017