January . 25 . 2021 SYNTH SIS IN @ COVID-19 page 18/21 Communication Unit | tel: +351 21 842 61 10 | Territorial concentration of new confirmed cases of infection by SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 (last 14 days), in relation to the resident population, based on the distribution by municipality. Location Coefficient Location Curve 5 January – Tuesday 14.3 27 December – Sunday 15.9 20 December – Sunday 17.4 17 December -Thursday 19.8 8 December - Tuesday 22.0 2 December - Wednesday 25.1 25 November – Wednesday 27.5 19 November – Thursday 28.7 10 November – Tuesday 28.9 25 October 28.4 18 October 30.4 11 October 31.3 4 October 32.2 6 September 35.1 9 August 44.9 12 July 51.8 21 June 61.6 17 May 39.8 19 April 40.1 Sundays • The lowest level of territorial concentration of new cases COVID-19 (last 14 days) occurred on January 5, 2021 and the highest on June 21, considering the location coefficient calculated weekly since April 19. Until June 21, the trend was towards a greater concentration of new registered cases followed by a reduction in concentration. Note: For the calculation of the location coefficients zero cases were considered for the municipalities with no value in the Directorate-General of Health Status report (0 or< 3 cases).