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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

The profile of exporting SMES in Portugal
Business Statistics Studies
Empresas de pequena e média dimensão em Portugal
The profile of exporting SMES in Portugal - 2007 - 2009
30 June 2011

In 2009, there were 348 552 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal, representing 99.7% of the total companies of the non-financial sector and at least 59% of the turnover and GVAfc generated in the year. Around 10% of the total SMEs were exporting companies, having contributed with 40% of the total turnover originated in the SMEs. With regards to the total of exporting companies, in 2009, more than 2/3 (69.1%) were SMEs, although they represented less than half of the total value of exports (44.6%). EU countries dominated the transactions of the SMEs with foreign countries. Machinery, mechanical appliances, Clothing, Base metals, Agricultural products and Footwear were the main groups of products exported by Portuguese SMEs.

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