Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

18% of resident population in risk of poverty
Income and Living Conditions
18% of resident population in risk of poverty - 2006
15 January 2008

Statistics Portugal presents the main indicators concerning resident population at risk of poverty and  inequality in monetary income distribution, estimates based upon the EU-SILC 2006 survey (EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions).
In accordance with the 2006 survey, the at risk of poverty rate for residents was 18%, declining from 20% estimated for 2004 and 19% for 2005.
The income distribution was characterised by an evident inequality: the 20% top income group had 6,8 times more income than the bottom 20% (6,9 times, both in 2004 and 2005).
Similarly to 2005, the impact of social transfers (excluding pensions) in the decrease of the at risk of poverty in 2006 accounts for 7 percentage points.

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