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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Building construction still facing a downward trend, but slowed down in 2010
Construction and housing statistics
Building construction still facing a downward trend, but slowed down in 2010 - 2010
29 July 2011

Based on the data from the Construction and Housing Statistics disseminated through Statistics Portugal’s official portal, it becomes evident that there was a 9.9% decrease on the number of buildings permits towards the previous year. In terms of completed buildings, there was a 6.9% decrease, more so in new residential dwellings with -8.8%. The number of dwelling permits issued decreased by 14.6% towards 2009, while the number of completed dwellings decreased by 13.2%.
In 2010, the total number of rehabilitated buildings already stands for 23.1% of the total of completed buildings, corresponding to a growth of 1.3 p.p. towards 2009 (21.8%).

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