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Strategic decisions taken by the group head and access to new markets were the basic motivations to carry out international sourcing
International Sourcing and Global Value Chains
Strategic decisions taken by the group head and access to new markets were the basic motivations to carry out international sourcing - 2001 - 2006
18 April 2008

Strategic decisions taken by the group head were the main motivations to carry out International Sourcing during 2001-2006, with EU15 Member States being the leading destination into which enterprises have sourced activities. More than 12% of Portuguese enterprises delocalized one or more of their functions abroad, being the majority part of an enterprise group (77.5%) and part of the Manufacturing sector (72.9%). International Sourcing of support business functions was predominant, mainly in Services sectors. Improvement of competitiveness, reinforcement of in-house Know-how and introduction of new products were the main positive impacts of International Sourcing. Taxation issues were identified as the principal barrier when considering, or carrying out, International Sourcing.
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