Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Overnight stays up by 1.4% and revenue up by 1.5% in tourism accommodation activity
Tourism activity
Overnight stays up by 1.4% and revenue up by 1.5% in tourism accommodation activity - July 2012
13 September 2012

The tourism accommodation activity registered 5.1 million overnight stays in July 2012, 1.4% more than in the same month of the previous year. Once more, this increase is only due to residents from abroad (+4.8%), since the number of overnight stays spent by Portuguese residents kept a downward trend (-5.3%) for the 11th month in a row. The revenue from the activity presented increased results when compared with July 2011, up by 1.5% in total revenue and increasing by 3.8% in revenue from the accommodation. This outcome stands for a trend reversal after four consecutive months of declining results.

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