Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

August beneficial to tourism accommodation
Tourism activity
August beneficial to tourism accommodation - August 2013
14 October 2013

In August 2013, tourism accommodation establishments accounted for 6.4 million overnight stays, corresponding to a 5.4% increase in year-on-year terms, above the previous month (3.8%).
Overnight stays from residents increased marginally in August 2012 (0.3%), after a reduction of 1.3% in July. Overnight stays from non residents grew by 8.5%, consolidating the growth of July 2013 (+6.0%).
In August, revenue also grew in year-on-year terms: +4.6% in total revenue and +5.8% in revenue from accommodation, though slightly below the results of the preceding month (+6.7% and +7.3%, respectively).

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