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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism accommodation with positive results for the main indicators
Tourism activity
Tourism accommodation with positive results for the main indicators - March 2013
15 May 2013


Overnight stays in tourism accommodation establishments showed a year-on-year change rate of +14.0% (+0.6% in February), reaching 2.8 million overnight stays in March 2013. This outcome is associated to a calendar effect  since Easter was celebrated in March 2013, whereas in 2012 occurred in April.
Also reflecting this effect, in the 1st quarter 2013 the growth in overnight stays stood at 6.0% (+0.3% in the 1st quarter 2012).
Overnight stays from residents grew by 3.0% in March 2013 when compared with the same month of 2012 (coming from a 7.8% decline in February 2013). Overnight stays spent by residents grew by 19.3%, considerably more than the growth recorded in the previous month (+5.0%).
As far as the revenue is concerned, the related increases did not reach those recorded in overnight stays, with +9.5% in total revenue and +11.8% in revenue from the accommodation.

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