Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism activity with reductions in guests, overnight stays and revenue
Tourism activity
Tourism activity with reductions in guests, overnight stays and revenue - April 2013
17 June 2013

The number of overnight stays in tourism accommodation establishments reached 3.1 million in April 2013 (4.0% less than in April 2012). Residents decreased their number of overnight stays by 11.6%, while non residents recorded a slight decline (-1.0%), reversing the trend of recent months.
Revenue had slight decreases in April (-1.4% in total revenue and -1.0% in revenue from accommodation).
These figures were influenced by calendar effect of the Easter (celebrated in March 2013 while in April during 2012) yet contradicted by the accumulated results of January to April, with overall positive year-on-year change rates (+2.4% in overnight stays, +1.9% in total revenue and +2.8% in revenue from accommodation).

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