Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Overnight stays spent by residents abroad up by 7.7%
Tourism activity
Overnight stays spent by residents abroad up by 7.7% - September 2013
14 November 2013


In September 2013, tourism accommodation establishments accounted for 4.8 million overnight stays, corresponding to a 5.1% increase in year-on-year terms, close to the previous month (+5.4%).
Overnight stays from residents decreased by 1.2% (+0.3% in the previous month). On the contrary, overnight stays from non residents kept trending quite positively (+7.7%) but slightly less so than in August (+8.5%).
The growth in revenue was lower than the one in guests and overnight stays, with +4.3% in total revenue and +3.5% in revenue from accommodation, below the figures of the previous month (+4.6% and +5.8%, respectively).

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