Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Foreign Affiliates in Portugal
Globalization Statistics
Foreign Affiliates in Portugal - 2011
27 September 2013

In Portugal there were 5 289 foreign affiliates in 2011, accounting for 1.5% of non-financial companies and almost 20% of value added created by the non-financial business sector. More than 75% of foreign affiliates had their decision centre in the European Union (EU), with Spain being the main country in terms of the number of affiliates (26.0%) as well as the contribution to the value added generated by foreign affiliates in Portugal (16.1%).
Foreign affiliates accounted for only 3.9% of the total number of enterprises exporting goods in 2011, but they concentrated almost 1/3 of the total value of exports (32.1%). EU countries dominated the international trade of the foreign affiliates and the main group of products exported was Vehicles and other transport equipment (weight of 29.4%), representing a higher weight when compared with the total exporters (2nd position, weight of 12.9%).

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