Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Movement of goods in maritime transport upwards in international traffic but downwards in national traffic.
Passengers transported with slight increase in airports but a decline in railway and in inland waterways
Transport activities
Movement of goods in maritime transport upwards in international traffic but downwards in national traffic. Passengers transported with slight increase in airports but a decline in railway and in inland waterways
28 May 2013

Movement of goods in Portuguese maritime ports accounted for an increase of 2.1% growth in international traffic on a par with a 7.0% decrease in national traffic. There was a decline in the number of commercial vessels entered    (-7.9%) but, at the same time, a 0.5% increase in terms of Gross Tonnage.
In 2012, the movement of passengers in national airports grew by 1.3% when compared with the previous year. On the other hand, the movement of cargo and mail decreased by 4.1%, with a total of 146.4 thousand tons transported in 2012.
There were reductions in the number of passengers transported in light railway systems, heavy railway mode and inland waterways, which corresponded to declining year-on-year change rates of 10.8%, 11.3% and 12.0%, respectively.

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